About The Foot Alignment Clinic
We offer various services. Podiatry, Foot Alignment, Custom Orthotics and Biomechanical Assessment. View Our Conditions Treated List.
At The Foot Alignment Clinic Neil Smith’s internationally patented “Foot Alignment System” is used to adjust each patient’s foot and hence re-align their lower limb into its preferred biomechanical position. Neil has been developing this technique over the last two decades and is so confident in its application that each pair of orthotics supplied by our clinic has a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Musculoskeletal problems are widespread and affect persons of all ages, occupations and lifestyles. The role of preventing and treating musculoskeletal problems falls within the skills of many health practitioners-biomechanists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, podiatrists and massage therapists. The common thread of these professions lies in the goal of promoting appropriate range of motion, good alignment and good muscle balance.
Our clinic is dedicated to providing a scientific and biomechanical solution to foot, lower limb and spinal pain. The aim of our clinic is to asses and diagnose the cause of each patients pain or dysfunction, provide a corrective weight bearing orthotic to realign the body from the feet up to provide a biomechanically balanced and efficient posture & provide rehabilitation guidelines for the patient and their referring practitioner (if appropriate).
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