The Foot Alignment Clinic | Custom Orthotics & Expert Podiatrists

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COVID 19 | Telehealth Via Zoom

Introducing Telehealth

In light of recent events surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19, some of you may be choosing to self-isolate or are quarantined. However, this does not mean there has to be a disturbance or a delay to the care you have been receiving at The Foot Alignment Clinics. It just means we have to think outside the box and get creative with how we deliver services to you to ensure your health is still a number one priority! We can even come to your home if molding or general treatments need to be done, please call us to find out suburbs that we can cover.

Private Health Rebates

* Podiatry treatments are claimable under your Private Health Insurance extras cover. You will need to check with your health fund if you are covered for podiatry services.


* We have HICAPS available at all practices for on-the-spot claiming with your Private Health Insurance provider. In these cases, there will only be a gap to pay.


* EFTPOS is available at all practices. Sorry, we do not accept
American Express or Diners Club.

* We are able to process Medicare rebate claims online for you in
conjunction with an enhanced primary care plan referral from your GP. These are not bulk billed.
Department of Veterans Affairs

* We are approved to treat Department of Veteran Affairs Gold cardholders at no cost to the cardholder.

Enhanced Primary Care Plan Program

* You may wish to discuss with your General Practitioner (GP) if you are eligible for Medicare subsidised visits to an allied health provider of your choice, including podiatry.

Why use the Foot Alignment Clinic?

We treat all pain and symptoms caused from poor foot posture.

Patient standing showing the alignment lines on the feet

Uncorrected Foot Position

Uncorrected foot alignment

Uncorrected Foot Position

using the VFAS – Vertical Foot Alignment System

Neil Smith and The VerticalFAS Machine

Corrected Foot Position

Using the VFAS – Vertical Foot Alignment System

Neil fitting foot aligners for arch support

Checking the exact foot shape.

The foot should fit in the orthotics not on the orthotics.

Corrected Weight Bearing Orthotics

Neil Smith standing next to the Vertical Foot Alignment System VFAS

Neil Smith. Inventor of  The Vertical Foot Alignment System

At The Foot Alignment Clinic, molding and alignment with custom orthotics occur simultaneously, so it matches your corrected foot shape perfectly.

This corrected position is unique to “your” feet and it’s why we align them as you stand, so your feet sit “IN” the orthotic, not “ON IT”.
This sounds logical to most people, but it’s not!

To make an Orthotic, a mold is taken of your feet in various ways. All molds are MODIFIED to represent, what your foot looks like, in a
Corrected Weight Bearing position.

Angles, shapes and measurements are used on a prescription form to re-shape the molds of your feet to offload the damaging forces that cause you pain and create a shape that changes the position of your foot.

How high, and what is the natural arch shape? What length and width? Are there any bony protrusions or deflections needed? How much force and what angles are needed and where, to change the position of the foot?

If you get the shape wrong, the orthotics will feel uncomfortable and you won’t wear them, so we test the comfort and alignment of our custom orthotics before you leave.

We are so confident in how we do it, we guarantee every orthotic! You have got nothing to lose but the pain in your feet.

We offer a range of services unique to The Foot Alignment Clinic.

Patented technology, experienced skills and trained staff.

Neil Smith is a Certified Pedorthist C.Ped.Au, experienced in Orthotics and Biomechanics. He has worked in the Orthotic industry for over 35 years and either personally made or overseen the manufacture of more than 250,000 pairs of orthotics. His clients have included, Australian representative sports people in Cricket, Rugby League, AFL, Soccer, Netball, Basketball, Rugby Union, Running and Boxing. Thousands of non-athletes and children with painful foot and lower limb pain have also benefited from Neil’s orthotic therapy.

Neil has a dedicated team with clinics in Marrickville, Leichhardt, Sydney City and Hunters Hill. We have a special interest in orthotic therapy technology.



A scientific and biomechanical solution to foot,lower limb and spinal pain.


VFAS patented technology forces the segments of your foot into their corrected position


The lines help to measure the adjustment needed to correct your alignment using the VFAS


Introductory evaluation of a weight bearing neutral position casting device.

The Team

Neil Smith Pedorthist
Neil Smith

Experienced in Orthotics and Biomechanics

Foot Alignment Clinic - Beth Fechner Podiatrist
Beth Fechner

Experienced in High Risk Feet

Lenore Smith - Medical Pedicures
Lenore Smith

Experience in all aspects of General podiatry

Gavin Johnstone Posture and Biomechanics
Gavin Johnstone
Physio Therapist

Posture and Biomechanics

Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about your feet. Our team will do our best to help you solve the problem. Please leave your details, and we will call you back.

Neil Smith

 We offer various services. Podiatry, Foot Alignment, Custom Orthotics and Biomechanical Assessment.

View Our Conditions Treated List.

Clinic Locations

88 Norton Street
Leichhardt, NSW 2040.

T: 02 9516 3547
Map Link:
Email Leichhardt Clinic

46 Sydney St
Marrickville, NSW 2204.

T: 02 9516 3547
Map Link:
Email Marrickville Clinic

Level 5, 187 Macquarie St
Sydney, NSW 2000.

T: 02 9516 3547
Map Link:
Email City Clinic

Unit 12, 71-75 Gladeville Rd
Hunters Hill, NSW 2010.

T: (02) 9817 1781
Map Link:
Email Hunters Hill Clinic

Foot Alignment Clinic Map image  link