Foot Pain Our Most Common Search

Foot pain is the most common internet search term that will bring you to our site, and that’s a good thing because we fix feet.

Foot pain can be different for everyone.  Feet have a lot of parts and there are many injuries and diseases that affect the feet. Flat feet or fallen arches and plantar fasciitis are common problems that we treat.

Treatment of aching feet requires a clinician with a process to follow.

  • Diagnose the pain in your feet
  • Identify the cause of the pain
  • Remove or treat the cause
  • Alleviate the discomfort
  • Correct alignment so your feet can be pain-free, stable and comfortable

Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about your feet. Our team will do our best to help you solve the problem. Please leave your details, and we will call you back.

Neil Smith is a Certified Pedorthist C.Ped.Au, experienced in Orthotics and Biomechanics. Neil is the inventor or The Vertical Foot Alignment System VFAS.

Neil Smith

Director and Practitioner, The Foot Alignment Clinic

If you are suffering from sore feet, painful heels, discomfort in the arch of your feet or shin splints, we are exactly the right place for you to visit.

Make An Appointment

Pain Management Process

Diagnose the pain in your feet
Neil, Beth and Gavin are able to provide an accurate analysis of the way you walk, stand and support your posture. We can correct the alignment of your feet, ankles, knees and back, by customising the weight bearing shape and position of your feet.

Identify the cause
Let’s look at a common term “Plantar Fasciitis” associated with foot pain. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia, a band of tough tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes, becomes irritated or inflamed. Heel pain, worst in the morning when getting out of bed, is the most common symptom. Arch pain may also be present.

Remove or treat the cause
With the right treatment, the pressure can be removed, the arch supported and the foot pain removed.

Alleviate the discomfort
Our podiatrist in Leichhardt, Marrickville and our Sydney Offices can assist you with appropriate rehabilitation techniques and exercise to alleviate any ongoing discomfort caused by your injury.

Foot Alignment Process

Correct alignment so your feet can be pain-free, stable and comfortable. A weight-bearing orthotic insole can be custom made and inserted into your favourite pair of shoes to provide ongoing comfort and support for Plantar fasciitis pain.

As you can see there are different types of foot pain, each requiring attention to detail and a customised treatment. Please request a callback and get Neil to stop the pain and get you back on your feet.

Beth has extensive experience working with individuals who have “high-risk feet” and are susceptible to ulcers or amputation. She has worked with people of all ages and activity levels, ranging from pre-schoolers to individuals over 90 years old.

Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about your feet. Our team will do our best to help you solve the problem. Please leave your details, and we will call you back.

Beth Fechner

Podiatrist, The Foot Alignment Clinic