If you suffer from pain and discomfort, your body tries to make allowance. Muscle imbalance refers to the balance between strength and length of muscles acting around one or more joints. Muscles respond to the stresses placed upon them. Therefore it is of utmost importance to balance the stresses received by the body from the ground up.(see biomechanics page).
Weakness of one set of muscles can put extra stress on another set of muscles. Overloading muscular compartments leads to micro trauma, myofascial restriction, tightness, weakness and pain. Treatment for this condition begins with expert diagnosis using muscle testing and observation of movement and posture.
Modalities such as massage, stretching and strengthening are coupled with orthotic therapy to resolve imbalance. Orthotics can change the balance and apply different weight and pressure on alternate muscles in the feet and calves. Strengtheing the appropriate muscles can correct posture and relieve pain.